gba study

Parkinson's GBA genetic study

Learn more about the Parkinson's disease study specifically targeting the GBA gene!

New tool may help researchers predict cognitive decline with Parkinson's disease

A new tool from researchers at Harvard Medical School may allow investigators to predict cognitive decline in people with Parkinson's disease (PD), which could help design clinical trials and test new therapies. The tool uses an algorithm combining varied personal details -- age at onset, baseline score on the Mini Mental State Examination, years of education, motor exam score, sex, depression, and GBA mutation status.

Mutations in GBA gene linked to Parkinson's cognitive decline

As we learn more about genetic connections to Parkinson's…

Sans synuclein tetramers, mice mimic Parkinson’s disease

A new model of Parkinson’s disease re-creates key features…
predicting the future
Dennis Selkoe

Dennis Selkoe, M.D.

David Walt

David Walt, Ph.D.

Trond Riise

Trond Riise, Ph.D.