Claudio Melo De Gusmao

Claudio Melo De Gusmao, M.D.

Assistant Physician, Neurology · Brigham and Women's Hospital
Clinical Director, Movement Disorders Program · Boston Children's Hospital
Instructor in Neurology · Harvard Medical School
Hale Building for Transformative Medicine, 60 Fenwood Road, Boston, MA

Having trained in pediatric and adult neurology, Dr. Melo De Gusmao cares for patients with movement disorders across the age spectrum. Many patients under his care have presumed or confirmed genetic disorders or genetic risk factors.

Dr. Melo De Gusmao has been involved in studies exploring the contribution of genetic mutations to neurological disorders, uncovering novel risk associations, phenotypes, or characterizing treatment outcomes.

Currently, his team is conducting a multi-institutional collaboration to explore a novel genetic analysis platform in ataxia, with plans to expand to other neurogenetically determined movement disorders such as dystonia, parkinsonism and paroxysmal disorders.

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