Clemens Scherzer

Clemens Scherzer, M.D.

Director, Center for Advanced Parkinson Research · Brigham and Women's Hospital
Director, Precision Neurology Program · Brigham and Women's Hospital
Professor of Neurology · Harvard Medical School
Hale Building for Transformative Medicine, 60 Fenwood Road, Boston, MA
Scherzer Neurogenomics Laboratory

Dr. Clemens Scherzer is a Physician-Scientist and the Founding Director of the Center for Advanced Parkinson Research of APDA, Brigham Health and Harvard. He is also the Director of the Precision Neurology Program of Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.

Scherzer uses genomes, big data, and deep cohorts to develop a predictive and proactive health care for Parkinson’s and neurologic diseases. His interdisciplinary lab includes computer scientists, biologists, and clinicians. In analogy to how a search engine targets advertisements to a user, the lab’s goal is to match drugs and tests to a patient based on a search of his entire disease biology (Science Translational Medicine, 2010; Science, 2017). This ParkinsonDiscovery Engine is powered by massive genome, biology, and health data. To predict how the human genome codes brain cells in health and disease, Scherzer is establishing a Brain Cell Encyclopedia of transcribed elements in human brains (Nature Neuroscience, 2018).

Scherzer received the Dr. Paul Beeson and the George C. Cotzias Memorial Awards and was nominated to the Scientific Advisory Board of the American Parkinson Disease Foundation, the Parkinson Research Vision Setting Panel of the U.S. Department of Defense, and the Editorial Boards of Neurogenetics and Biomarkers in Medicine.
