Jarrod Marto

Jarrod Marto, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pathology · Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Principal Investigator · Principal Investigator, Departments of Cancer Biology and Oncologic Pathology
Director, Blais Proteomics CenterDana Farber Cancer Institute · Dana Farber Cancer Institute

450 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA
Laboratory of Jarrod Marto, Ph.D.

Dr. Jarrod Marto received his Ph.D. in analytical chemistry at The Ohio State University, and went on to postdoctoral studies at the University of Virginia. After several years in the biotech sector, Dr. Marto joined the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in 2004 where he is currently a principal investigator in the Departments of Cancer Biology and Oncologic Pathology. In addition, he holds a joint appointment as Associate Professor of Pathology at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Marto is also the Director of the Blais Proteomics Center at the Dana-Farber.

Dr. Marto and his team interrogate the functional proteome to understand how genomic alterations, environmental insults, or the action of small molecule chemical probes impact individual proteins, their post-translational modifications, biochemical complexes, signaling pathways, or manifest en masse as phenotypic or disease signatures. Their studies are guided by specific hypotheses of biological function or through quantitative, proteome-scale mass spectrometry screens which yield data-driven entry points for further investigation.

Dr. Marto’s research is further enabled by development of advanced chromatographic separation platforms which provide improved peptide detection and quantification, and support genome-scale interrogation of mammalian proteomes. In addition, they build open-source computation tools that facilitate interrogation of mass spectrometry data across the full spectrum of scientific inquiry, from the underlying instrumentation to interpretation of quantitative proteomic data in the context of biological pathways. His research program represents a productive convergence of biology, computation, and analytical science.

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