Trond Riise

Trond Riise, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care · University of Bergen
Kalfarveien 31, Postboks 7804, 5020 Bergen

Dr. Riise has a background in mathematics/statistics and works as a professor in epidemiology at the University of Bergen, Norway. The main bulk of his research has been related to epidemiological studies of neurological diseases including Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. The focus has been to identify environmental factors that, by their own or in combinations, significantly change the disease risk.

Dr. Riise has a large production with 177 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and an H-index of 41. He was the leader of a one-year work-shop at the Center for Advanced Studies in Oslo from 1995/96, where leading experts in neuroepidemiology participated. The main result from this project, the Oslo International think-tank on MS, was the development of guidelines for future studies within the field: The Epidemiologic Study of Exogenous Factors in the Etiology of Multiple Sclerosis: Guidelines for Future Analytical Research. Neurology 1997;49(suppl 4):s1-s82].

Dr. Riise has an extensive collaboration with researchers at Harvard University (Professor Alberto Ascherio, HSPH, among others) where he was a visiting professor in 2008/09. He has also been a visiting professor at the Universities of Ferrara (2000/01) and Bologna (2014/15), Italy. Based on his broad work in neuroepidemiology he has been invited to give several state-of-the-art lectures at scientific conferences.
